According to new research, the properties of tomatoes for the heart have received more attention than ever before. Tomato consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease by a quarter. Lycopene is an antioxidant that causes tomato redness and, like fruits, is abundant in tomato paste, ketchup, and pasta.
Benefits of tomatoes for the heart
Tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease, but this required further research to determine if this property is due to lycopene or possibly other factors. In a new study by scientists,
Regarding the properties of tomatoes for the heart, it is said that regular consumption of lycopene for many years can have a protective effect on the heart. After a decade of research and analysis of dietary data, they have achieved significant results in observing the effects of lycopene on the cardiovascular system. Recent studies on lycopene and heart disease have provided us with various results.
Point: quality tomato is very important, so you buy tomato paste or canned tomato paste from Arenafood
Here are a few tips on the function of tomatoes on the heart
The first point
Some of these results indicate a significant relationship between increased lycopene levels and heart attack. Scientists compared hundreds of patients who had participated in long-term heart disease projects with the results of another study in the same field. Participants recorded their diet plans based on the question of whether or not they regularly included tomatoes or tomato products in their diet. This study showed that eating lycopene-containing foods regularly over eleven years reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 28%.
The second point
The researchers said in their reports that potent antioxidants shield against heart disease. Still, more focused studies are needed to determine whether this effect is lycopene or something else.
Third point
This study found an inverse relationship between lycopene and Other tomato ingredients (the richest source of lycopene) as the cause of this dependence. More research is needed.
Fourth point
Last year, Finnish scientists found men with the lowest levels of lycopene in the body, more than 60 percent of whom suffered from heart disease. Other recent research suggests that this popular fruit may even be able to ward off depression. At the same time, the antioxidant properties of tomatoes have reduced the chances of prostate cancer in men in the long run.